A Break From The World
This vast period of lockdown has been overwhelming for every one of us. We don't know what's going to happen in future and we don't have an end goal to look up to.... Monday blues have turned into everyday blues and worst part is we cannot even do something about it . Although, I do agree that being with your family after years is great and it has allowed everyone to spend good quality time with their family. However, it has also given us a lot of free time which we didn't get normally with our busy routine earlier. This time has got me thinking a lot about the things I used to ignore because back then it was a lot to take on but now these thoughts come more often and haunt you. Some people who have anxiety and other issues may also get triggered but all we can do is learn how to deal with it and wake up every morning and understand that we are not alone . Lockdown has also created a pressure on every one of us to be productive and use this time to do something constructive for you as an individual but we need to realize it that it's not necessary and sometimes taking a break from everything and sleeping in is what one really needs. This period of lockdown has also helped me in understanding the people around me in a better way and is an eminent step towards my growth as an individual. I always used to pretend that everything is great but I feel that the actual greatness is to accept the things when they are not good and being fine with it.
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