Demons within ourselves!

Life is unfair and we all have experienced it every now and then, that just when you think it could not get any better, it gives you a punch knocks you down and doesn't even give you a chance to get back up on your feet, and we have come to terms with it. We just feel this is what life is and it is bound to knock you down but I feel maybe we should not give it a chance to knock us down, maybe life should just leave us alone after all we asked for happiness and not misery and if life cannot give us happiness then it might as well not give us misery. Life ruins you and some people think that's what makes you strong enough to stand up again and face it, I seem to disagree with them. Misery seems to surround you with loneliness and overthinking and it engulfs you, and we might not realize it but not everyone can make it out of that Bermuda Triangle alive. Even if you do, it haunts you for the bright part of your life which you thought will begin when you made it out of that Triangle but it is not what you expect it will be, that's what you have learned right? So as other's say you got to move forward and forget about the past but have you ever realized that we humans like to gloat about the past achievements and no matter what the case maybe we will always also remember about the miseries of the past and that's what successful people talk about right when they try to motivate others that they experienced such miseries in their life. The truth is even success cannot get you out of your past and whether you admit it or not. These demons of the past do not stop with that, they even mess up your relationships with friends, family and anyone who is close to you. They destroy your beliefs leaving you devastated and then it makes the other person drift apart and trust me you try your best to defeat those demons and hold on that person but it just doesn't let you. For all you know, the last ray of hope you had has drifted apart and I don't know whether you can live after that or bring that same ray of hope back to guide you past it. Maybe, you were not trying enough to defeat the demons even though you had the hope that gave you divine power to go past them but all I know now is maybe this is it for you in this lifetime and fight those demons with all you got in the next life you get.


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